Death is Not Dying
What if you had it all? What if you were in the midst of your thirties and thriving? What if you had a loving and devoted spouse? What if you had two beautiful little children? What if you had safety, security, and many good friends? What if you had a wonderful church and deep faith in Christ? What if you found out you had only weeks to live?
Response to death has always been fascinating to me. This has become especially so since the Lord saved me. There is nothing sadder to me than someone such as Princess Diana who seems to try so hard to find their way and then dies seemingly without having found The Way. I have often sat transfixed through hours of television reports on the death of a celebrity life being celebrated, with the distinct awareness that all evidence indicates that while this world is honoring and celebrating the celebrity, he is writhing in Hell. It is the ultimate reflection of the powers of this world to deceive.
Yet, there are other stories of those facing death that amaze and convict me while reminding me of God's goodness and power to overcome the curse of death. I have come across one such testimony this morning that is as powerful as anything I have ever seen. Rachel Barkley is a young mom facing death. She has a loving husband and two small children. She has a group of loving friends, freedom, and faith. And she does not have long to live. Her response and reflections are captured in a video presentation she gave to a women's conference in her home city of Vancouver. As part of her presentation, she notes the following:
"In His providence, God has used the tough things in my life to draw me closer to Him; to show me His great love and to teach me many things. I have learned that I am not perfect and I have the scars to prove it- thirteen of them, and they serve as the physical reminder of a spiritual reality that I can never be perfect on my own. I need a Savior. I have learned that the greatest evidence of God’s love is seen when I stand at the foot of the cross. He took my shame upon Himself and rescued me. I have learned that being a Christian is not just hope for the future, although it is most definitely that. It is the joy of knowing and trusting in a God who is loving and faithful no matter what the circumstances."The full video of Rachel's presentation is available online by clicking here. It is 55 minutes long, but it is 55 minutes well spent. May we trust Him in life as Rachel is trusting Him in death.