
The Inception

I have had this blog design completed for two weeks, but have been stuck wrestling over the content for my first post. I felt like this post was supposed to set the tone and create the foundation for the blogs to come. Talk about adding some pressure to the process. No wonder I've resisted blogging for so long!

I've come to suspect that a blog could help to weave together some of the areas of my life and work while also providing a forum to communicate bits of information that I often wish I could share more efficiently. To be honest, I'm not totally sure what this blog is going to end up being. I know that it will include posts about publishing, missions, and the pursuit of godliness. I hope that it will be helpful and edifying, while linking people, ministries, and worldviews that don't always overlap. Over the next few days I plan to begin a series of posts on some foundational thoughts related to publishing, missions, and godliness.

So, here it is-- my first post. I'm so glad to have it behind me. Oh, one other thing. Each of my posts will lead with one photo tied to the post and include a closing photo that may or may not be tied to the post. I really believe a picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes photos capture the beauty of God's creation in a way that no one can explain. I'll typically let it speak for itself...but for this inaugural post, I'll explain that I'm closing with an image of Amsterdam. I served as a summer missionary in Amsterdam many years ago and it was during that time that the Lord confirmed so much of His direction for my life-- it was a beginning, just as is this.

(okay, so that last sentence was a little over the top and Hallmark-ish, but it is oddly appropriate and it's my blog, so I'm indulging myself)

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